Tuesday, June 28, 2011

End of Week 1

Hello everyone!

A week from today we arrived in Liberia, Costa Rica. This past week we have been following around a wonderful mission team from Riverside Baptist Church in Kentucky. We have also gotten to know Ron and Meredith Droke (full time missionaries in Matapalo, Costa Rica) and their 3 youngest children.

The people of Cost Rica are welcoming and we look forward to helping Ron and Meredith expand the ministry God has given them. Once again Justin is picking up a new language quickly and Kevin and I are hanging on by his shoelaces trying to learn quickly as well. Mykel is jumping right in there with Justin and they are doing an amazing job getting to know the people!!

The week consisted of door to door evangelism and handing out bags of food, discipleship classes in homes of locals, vacation bible school and the Wednesday and Sunday services in the church building. Their prayer requests as of now for the ministry is a van for picking up members, which i will give a small explanation about and for the Lord to either provide a better location and larger bulding or keep them where they are if it is His will (i will also explain that).

The need for a van around here is very important, particularly for the months of June - November (that is half of the year). Everyday we have been here, except one, it has rained. The rain is suppose to be much worse in the coming months and is already extremely heavy rain. Since most people have to walk as a means of transportation in Matapalo, the rain causes them to not be able to leave their house because of mud slides, etc... Also in January and February they have wind that has been known to twist trees!

The current church building is maybe 300 sq ft. That includes a sunday school room a main room and a bathroom. Church members have no problem meeting there; however it is a growing family and sound equipment has to be packed up every day and set up again every day. Even in a small building speakers are necessary because of the many distractions of the location!

Well, we can't wait to update you again soon. We are headed to San Jose tomorrow to do some bulk grocery shopping to save some money and get a few toiletry items and such!

love you all - thank you to those who have sent encouragement and those of you who follow and pray for us!

God Bless

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