Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well I am off track on the day i wanted to post (Mondays), but i am seven days from the last post :).

We pray all is well with each of you. This week we met with our authority/the president of Son Ministries and are now in heavy prayer about where the Lord is leading us and what we will be doing when we return as a permanent ministry. We know Biblically where and what the Lord calls us to do and now our prayer is just that the hearts of all involved will be molded and sensative to this call!

Justin will be leaving for a week in March to help with a youth conference in Mole St. Nicolas, Haiti and speaking to pastor Kenan about where our hearts our and what we will be doing when we return. We will be posting this soon :). On this trip Justin will preach every night for 20 minutes for a week, he is thrilled (there is a ton of joy in doing what the Lord has called you to do)!

Annika is awaiting her medicaid card so that we can schedule her another dr. appointment, but the last appointment went wonderfully and she is healthy, healthy, healthy!

Kevin is enjoying a week off from school and visiting with all family as possible in the area! He is an excellent big brother and wants to help even with the smallest details, like buttoning the onsies :)

Of course mom's big role right now is to get back on track with updating this blog as well as getting all of our information together (all of our 'ducks in a row' if you will) so that we can get back to Haiti as soon as possible! Right now it looks as though this may be the 1st of April. A big prayer request would be to get our visas so that we can remain in Hait for more than a 90 day period! Over the phone they are telling us that we do this in Port au Prince, but we are not sure that post earthquake this is still true. We will try to get this more in line as soon as we arrive on this next trip!

All things are in His hands and we find joy in following His will in our lives! God Bless you all and we will talk again next week!

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Hello All!

What a month so far and with a week and a half yet to go :). We had a wonderful visit with Charity Baptist Church and were blessed to pray with and for several brothers and sisters in Christ!

The Piney Point Christmas play went wonderfully and pierced both mine and Justin's heart in reminding us how life is in most American homes still during the holiday and though it is 'about Jesus' it usually is not about Jesus! That is a good swift kick to remind us to pray hard and witness harder!

And the big news of the week....SHE IS HERE! Annika Tyla Marie White was born at 6:03am on Tuesday December 21st 2010. All 6lbs, 1oz and 19 inches of her is healthy and strong. She was born with the cord wrapped around her neck twice and had to be held in the NICU room for 6 hours before we could see her and we couldn't hold her for 8hours after she was born...that was tough on Justin and I and poor Kevin had to wait over a whole day to see his baby sister (poor little man). However, PRAISE the LORD, she is here in our arms and the plan is to make it home tomorrow with a new addition to our family! We got to praise the Lord through the whole event and had His peace which surpasses all understanding!

We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and want to praise His wonderful Name that not only was THE Savior born to us and that is what we are celebrating, but more so that we have recieved His gift and are blessed to live for HIM!

God Bless you all and enjoy your Christmas; celebrating the reason each of us support this ministry to spread the gospel!

We love you all!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010



Well Jesus is still alive and well...He sits in Heaven and does as He pleases! AMEN!

I updated the blog last week and normally would try to update it again tomorrow morning, but tonight Justin decided that Annika and I should rest. She is not here yet, but with as busy as we have been, Justin thought it would be best for me to slow down a little when we have chances so that she doesn't get here too early! However, deep down i think he i hoping we get to share Christmas with her (she is due the 3rd).

We want to take an opportunity to praise the Lord for a healthy pregnancy! God has protected this pregnancy and kept us busy for Him and His provision has been amazing!...We also thank Him for the Spirit he has given us, that even if He didn't provide the way He has we would still be Praising Him for the opportunity to serve Him!

We had the privelage to visit 2nd Baptist Church of Siloam Springs. We thank you all for your continual support as well and your faith in Christ Jesus to see that missionaries have the ability to be overseas and in the States to spread the gospel! The fellowship was INCREDIBLE as well!

This week I will get to join the women in the Cassville Church Body for their Christmas fellowship as we also lift up a sister who would have been leading the devotion, but had to leave town for a death in their family. The praise is that the lady who went to be with the Lord recieved His gift a few weeks ago!

We also have a dinner this week for the pastors that have been raised up from the Piney Point Church and their wives. On Wednesday we get the privelage of meeting with Charity Baptist Church in Rogers! Then more doctors appointments and wrapping Christmas presents at LifeWay to raise money for Haiti Missions!

My brother will be in town this weekend with his wife and daughter! :) and Piney Point is hosting a Christmas Drama Saturday night and Sunday morning!

We love you all and are thankful for you in our lives and in the ministry the Lord has entrusted to us.

Bondye Beni Ou - God Bless You
The White Family

Friday, December 3, 2010


well here it is the end of the week again and I realize that I haven't updated you all in over a week! I apologize once again for the late post! I could come up with a million excuses, but once again, it is simpler just to say that a life as a missionary even when back in the states is just as busy and sometimes unorganized! :)

So since i updated everyone last here are some of the happenings:

My parents left for Haiti before thanksgiving for a wedding that was happening there on Thursday! They had a great trip and safe travels; Praise the Lord!

While they were gone i was able to decorate their house for them for Christmas and celebrate thanksgiving with our other parents (Justin's parents)! We were able to visit with much family and had a blast. I also got to spend time with my niece while my brother and sister attempted some of that black friday shopping!

On Sunday evening we enjoyed a wonderful presentation with Lakeside Baptist Church. My emphasis on the word wonderful has nothing to do with how we presented, but with the great love we were greeted into the church body with and the response afterward! What a great fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ!

I was blesssed with attending mine and Annika's baby shower this monday as well. We raised enough money for diapers :)...then we found a lil bit of a less expensive brand of diapers on line and were also able to purchase a few other necessities for the baby as well as are being given a lightly used pack n play and recieved of course some adorable cloths (what baby cloths aren't adorable!).

Wednesday night at Piney Point was another great message on prayer and really got my husband and i focused on prayer for the crusade, which we had sadly not been full heart praying for previously. We thank the Lord for opening our eyes and breaking our hearts for souls to be saved at the crusade this upcoming weekend at Piney Point (call if you'd like to attend 6pm dinner 7pm service).

And then for a final catch up, yesterday was my last appointment for every other week and we are already now going to the dr. once a week, as lil ms. annika should be here in one month from today!! The dr. said everything looks really good, especially for a first time pregnancy. She said the baby's head is really low, but she made it seem like it was a good thing, not that we should be expecting any early birthing! :) Then last night we enjoyed our thanksgiving meal with my parents and siblings (since they were in Haiti the week before and we already had all the food!). It was a blessing to sit around and hear what everyone was thankful for. The greatest joy i had was hearing all the growth and strength in the individual marriages and just to know the Lord is strong in my parents lives, my siblings lives and the lives of Justin and I as couples. Also what a blessing it is to have my sister here from Haiti!

On Sunday we get to visit with and look forward to seeing brothers and sisters in Christ at 2nd Baptist Church in Siloam Springs!

God Bless and hopefully I will be posting again soon!
The White Family