Tuesday, January 1, 2013

December 2012 Newsletter

December 2012
The White Family in Costa Rica


         Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family in the U.S. from Costa Rica!  This month has been a great month for us all… for many reasons, but namely for the blessing of still being able to celebrate the birth of Christ with family even being so far away from “home”.  We hope that you all had a great Christmas and were blessed by the remembrance of the reason we celebrate, Amen!  Now… let us share with you a little about the happenings of this last month…

         Bobbi Ann and Steve have finished their first trimester of Spanish at the Spanish Language Institute.  Both of them came through with flying colors as they passed each one of their classes (Grammar, Language, and Phonetics) with all A’s.  They are very excited to see how far they have come in these few short months, as well as to be able to have a long break between trimesters!  Language learning is exhausting!  Their next trimester begins on January 9th, and they are ready to get in and continue the process of cramming 2 languages into 1 brain J  Pray for them that they will continue to learn and grow and be able to minister in Spanish.

         As for ministry, I (Justin) am waiting for my next meeting with the team from ESEPA, the local seminary, to hash out some of the details about our pastoral training ministry.  For those of you who may not know, I am the tech guy for a mission that provides free, seminary approved, theological training to under resourced pastors in Costa Rica.  Also, Bobbi Ann and I were blessed to accompany a friend of ours at a local missions youth camp called “La Montaña”.  We were able to stay 2 days and 1 night and tour the campus as well as attend one of their chapel services and fellowship with many of the volunteers of the camp that will help guide some of the children’s events.  We had a great time and we are looking forward to helping out more there, as well as setting up future appointments for short term mission teams from the states.  A new ministry, birthed in the heart of Steve Hoover, is a church start directed towards the students of ILE.  So many, coming in to learn Spanish, miss out on the fellowship and biblical teaching in English that they used to receive each week back in the states, but aren’t able to receive here because of distance and limited transportation.  Steve will be the pastor of the church, and it would be officially ordained by Piney Point Baptist Church in Rogers, Ar. Our sending church.  Another ministry that we have just began working on is a radio ministry.  We will host a half hour talkshow each week about missionary life, go to the SON Ministries website for more info. (website address is at the bottom of the page). Along with all these works, there are many more opportunities opening up each week, and certainly many others to be seen.  So continue to pray as we step through open doors, that the Lord’s will would be abundantly clear and that we would faithfully follow it.

         As we look ahead to the new year, praying for a vision of what the new year will bring, planning our steps of what God has already lain on our hearts, be in prayer with us that no matter what happens, we give God glory in every aspect of our lives.  Pray for abundant provision to live and to minister, for faithful prayer warriors, for compassionate hearts, steadfast faith, and continued growth in the knowledge and relationship we have with our Father in Heaven.  God bless each one of you who support us, and remember to help spread the word of what God is doing here in Costa Rica and in the hearts of His children.  Until next month…

-Justin, Bobbi, Kevin and Annika
SN Ministries

Blog:                   thewhitefamilyinhaiti.blogspot.com
Website:             http://www.sonministries.webs.com
email:                  whitefamilyhaiti@hotmail.com

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