Tuesday, January 1, 2013

November 2012 Newsletter

¡Buenas a toda nuestra familia en Cristo!  Greetings to all our family in Christ!  In honor of Thanksgiving we would like to thank you all for your prayers and support that allow us to be here in Costa Rica, learning the language and following the will of God wherever it may lead us.  It’s a blessing to be able to serve our Lord on the international mission field and we are very grateful for the privilege.

We are all doing great here, daily learning to communicate in Spanish in a variety of contexts… in the store, at school, with taxi drivers, in church, etc.  Barriers are being torn down little by little that we may share our lives and the gospel with the Latin-American people.  I, Justin, am still being refreshed by Rosetta Stone and the conversations of every day life; Bobbi Ann and Steve have been passing all their tests in the Spanish Language Institute; Kevin is continuing right along, finishing his end of the year exams; and Anni is a handful, in both languages!

We are still seeking opportunity to minister in context of where God has us, and there are a few in mind already.  I have already begun to become more involved in one of those opportunities.  I will be assisting a local seminary here in San Jose to disciple and train pastors in very impoverished areas who cannot afford in depth biblical teachings.  This ministry consists of building relationships, encouraging the brethren and providing technology (free of charge) with complete seminary classes over a variety of biblical themes.  This will greatly improve the confidence of these men of God and the stability of their teachings, giving them the tools they need to minister to the people around them.  My job in this ministry will be to keep up with the technology; setting up the programs, troubleshooting the problems, and helping to navigate the ins and outs of the software in general.  Apart from that ministry, my wife and I are still planning a trip to one of the Christian camps in the area called “La Montaña”.  I am very excited for that possibility to minister to the youth of Costa Rica as well.

As we approach the end of another year of ministry on the mission field, we want to remind you all that your contributions and your prayers are vital to our being able to fulfill the calling of God for our lives.  Be praying about continuing your financial support for this ministry and about spreading the word of it to all your friends, relatives, and coworkers.  Get the word out so that we can get His word out!  Check out and share this fundraising video on youtube: http://youtu.be/Z4-UjN6tgAw ... as well as keep up with Steve and I’s devotionals and skits that we put on the SON Ministries webpage: http://www.sonministries.webs.com … As always, thanks again and God bless you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

-Justin, Bobbi, Kevin & Annika White

SON Ministries

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