Friday, February 1, 2013

January 2013 Newsletter


         Greetings to you all, our faithful supporters and prayer warriors!  This month has been a great month of family and friends and adventures.  Along with all the joy and the precious time that we had, I sense there will be a lot of recuperating to be had when it’s all said and done.  In this letter I will be sharing with you the top three events of this last month in our shared lifestyle… shared with the Latin-American community, as well as with family and friends.

         Let’s begin this month on January 7th… this is the day that “they” arrived.  Yes… “they”… the in-laws; Chuck and Jodi Sackman.  Now, from how I just introduced them, you should have already recognized that the writer of this letter is, none other than, Justin White, the son-in-law.  So, therefore, let me also point out that Chuck Sackman is not just my “in-law”, but he is also the pastor of our sending church Piney Point Baptist Church (aka my pastor), as well as my personal mentor in the ministry.  Oh what a month of accountability THIS has been!  Though I jest, I must also clarify that, though seemingly daunting and perhaps intimidating, our time together has certainly been wonderful.  For my wife, as she has not had the opportunity to see her parents in several months; for the grandchildren, because they have been spoiled beyond compare; for my parents, as they are close in ministry as well as friendship; and of course for myself as well, as I have been able to use my Spanish “abilities” to guide them around the city with confidence and, may I say, a fair bit of ease. 

We began our time together with CHRISTMAS TIME!  This is where all the “spoiling” began, as we all sat around our living room here in San Jose, Costa Rica and opened our gifts together; laughing, playing and having a great time celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Oh the gifts that grandparents give their grandchildren… beautifully designed (parent) torture devices, designed to be fun and irritating all at the same time.  Can’t complain though, we were all pretty spoiled and grateful at the end of the day.

Next, I was able to officially begin my ministry as “Tech Guy” (or “el tecnico”) in the pastoral formation project through the local seminary here called “ESEPA”.  I was blessed to be able to have both Chuck and Hoover with me as we began a new group and evaluated another.  For those of you who don’t know, our goal is to bring sound theological education to under-resourced pastors and leaders all around the country… for FREE!  I am blessed to be a part of this ministry and grateful to begin it with my pastor and my father by my side.

Lastly, we were treated to a weekend excursion to one of the most beautiful beaches here in Costa Rica.  In fact, the name of the beach is Playa Hermosa (Beautiful Beach).  The sunsets, as you can see, were absolutely amazing.  As we watched such a gorgeous sunset, awestruck by the colors, soothed by the waves crashing on the beach, swayed by the wind sweeping through the palm trees… we are reminded that this world did not happen by chance, but was fashioned by an Artist!  Our Creator is a perfect artist, whose very word brought it all into existence; whose hand sustains it.  And though man is fallen and sinful, we are still created in His image.. the image of the Almighty.  We are the work of His hands… the same hands that fashioned this beautiful sunset.  What an encouragement!

As I said, we had a great time this last month, and we know that God has been in control of every second of it.  Language learning is still vital for us all, but the ministry is taking off.  Our need for financial support is on the rise, as well as our need for a vehicle.  Please be in prayer for generous givers and faithful followers to take up this responsibility, as well as for yourselves to continue in your support.  It is God who provides, but He uses each and every one of you to do so.  Help us to take His word… His gospel into the uttermost parts of Latin-America.  To evangelize the lost and to disciple the faithful.  If twelve men can turn the world upside down for the glory of the Lord, there is no reason why all of us cannot likewise impact the darkness of this world with the light of His word!  God bless you and keep you in His will.

-Justin, Bobbi, Kevin and Annika
SON Ministries


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