Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December Newsletter

December 21, 2011

Matthew 9:37-38 “Will you be a labourer?”

We get so many mixed responses to being overseas in a mission field far away. Just from the mouths of other Christians we hear things such as “Wow, that is so wonderful what you are doing.” Or “I can’t believe you are taking your kids over there (wherever “there” is at that time).” The bible is clear in so many verses that we (all followers of Christ) are called to go, but here is one that I wonder if Christians pray often?! JESUS SAYS to pray for labourers for the harvest. The more we have been in other countries the more we recognize how many more labourers are needed for the spreading of the gospel and discipleship. There is no doubt that every country, including America, needs the gospel (the Lord says ALL NATIONS). Our prayer is that you aren’t saying, “Well, what about America” while just showing up at Church Meetings on Sundays and Wednesdays. A man who provides for his family in the field does not get to choose one or two days to go out into the field and harvest the crops. He works steadfastly and gives it his all!
We have had this verse come to mean a lot to us since we have been labourers away from “home”. The needs are greater than a few can fill, and so our hearts have been lead to pray more fervently for labourers of the gospel. We covet your prayers and pray that the work of the Lord is being done where He has each of you. Please ask yourself and ask the Lord to reveal to you if you are willing to be a labourer for His kingdom. If so, ask where He wants you and be faithful to respond. International missions have always been something we encourage, even at first only for a short trip. The reason this can be beneficial is not only for the place you may go that has not heard the gospel or been encouraged in discipleship yet, but also so the Lord can show you just how much work there is to be done and to encourage and revive your spirit for His kingdoms work.
January is quickly approaching. A few short months later most of us will receive tax refunds. Many of you already have plans with what you are going to do with that money. But let me suggest this: find an opportunity to internationally step out into the mission field and invest God’s time and resources in fulfilling the great commission. Allow the Spirit to encourage and revive you to being about His kingdom’s work!
God Bless

January Happenings
*School Begins on January 4th
*We hope to start our applications in Costa Rica for student visas (allowing us to stay in country for an entire year). We are only waiting to receive the paper work from the states in time!
*We will keep you all posted as we are informed of the ministries we can/will get involved in with the school (currently it will be attending chapels).

Family Corner
Justin celebrated his 29th birthday yesterday! He got to enjoy his favorite dessert (dump cake) thanks to my mom sending the ingredients back with us and will get a new pair of shoes from his parents via mail (in progress). He is excited to start school in January and is continuing to work on Rosetta Stone daily! He continues to write his sermons weekly as well and post the overflow of his daily scripture reading on facebook!
Kevin has been doing much better with his attitude lately and is really putting effort into his school work. He has enjoyed benefitting from the delicious outcomes of Justin and Annika’s birthdays! Yesterday we caught him practicing his Spanish while playing outside with some of the neighbors! (Praising the Lord.) Also, he is enjoying having friends here, both gringo and tico (American and Costa Rican).
Annika will be receiving messy art supplies, compliments of her yaya and soon to come in the mail some dolls, compliments of her nonny. We are extremely thankful that via technology, our family gets to be a part of both of the kids growing up! Annika has been walking for about 2 weeks now and it not only walking but running and climbing!
I (Bobbi Ann) have been experimenting with new food dishes and enjoying learning how to save money and still create yummy and filling meals! I am also continuing my Rosetta Stone daily and reading!

Hola! Mama, Papa, Bubu, dios (Adios), cias (gracias) and ahahadao (in response to “I love you”)

-Annika’s most frequent words
Annika is celebrating her 1st birthday today. Currently that means playing all morning, eating sprinkle toast for breakfast and napping at the moment! J She has been running around the house and outside and climbing up the chairs and couch! We are excited to see her open birthday presents from grandparents with them on skype!

Missionary Living
Once we start school we will post more on culture!
Ever wonder how missionaries live? We don’t know either, so we thought we would give you some insight to ways we save money for ministry work instead of personal lives, without starving. As many of our families in the states have taught us, we have learned to make laundry soap, saving several $s each month. Food has been a learning experience; however, we have learned to experiment and make most any dish into a casserole or with rice so that meat goes further, which also saves several $s each month! God has always provided when we need clothing, shoes, etc and has used the benevolence from our home Church in an amazing way for hygiene products! Construction paper has been colored, cut, pasted and taped to create décor to make the rooms more personal! We do not live any differently, in my eyes anyway, than everyone we know, we just try not to accumulate things that do not travel easily! Sometimes, in honesty, you feel like you live out of a duffle bag, but it is nice and actually forces more family time!


· Our paperwork to get turned in quickly, it did not arrive today and the next mail pick up at the school will not be until January 4th. (If it is not turned in we have to leave the country on the 8th).
· God to reveal all the ministries available through the school and time to get involved in those as well as stay on top of studies.
· Opportunities to witness and hearts to be opened. As well as opportunities to disciple and encourage brothers and sisters in Christ.

Thanks and giving:
We want to thank everyone who hosted and contributed to the fundraisers in December! The Lord used each fundraiser in an amazing way…there were souls saved and money raised for the work in Costa Rica and Haiti. We also want to thank all of our supporters for your continued financial support and above all your prayers and continued encouragement! Thank you for the emails we have received with prayer requests and we hope each of you has a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

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