Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30th, 2011

Hello Everyone,

We haven't really being doing any more than we normally do in a week; however, there were a lot of changes this last week. On Sunday and Wednesday we met at a new location with the body of believers of Matapalo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. There is much more room for both service and sunday school in the new building (2 rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen). Mykel and Justin have been working with Ron and Meredith to get the church building cleaned and organized.

Kevin and I are chugging right along down the Missouri River in Science and rounding and solving problems in math. In history we have made it through God's covenant with Abraham and will next learn of the distruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Kevin chose the Revolutionary War as his choice of reading this week for a book report and our Spanish is ever so confusing and difficult, but is also chugging right along!

Annika is really letting us learn her traits this week. She is a very determined young lady. Whether she books across the house in 60 seconds to get what she wants or waits with her mouth wide open while you are preparing food, to be sure to get the first bite!

Finally, we are preparing to visit the states from September 17th until October 11th. Of course our calander is already quickly filling. In an effort to raise more support we have a couple of meetings and fundraisers ready to go while back as well as enjoying some time with our home church and hopefully our sister churches as well. It will be very nice to hear a few sermons in English (live) for a couple of weeks.

We are thankful for all of you and most of all for the Lord having opened this door to us. When we arrive back on October 11th there is no fore seen date to return to the states. Should the opportunity present itself to visit again soon we will take it, but we look forward to being focused right where He has us.

God Bless!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23rd, 2011

Hello family and friends,

We are thankful today for all the work the Lord has allowed us to have a part in here and the peace that the Lord has given us to come back once we renew our passports next month. This last week has been a lot of change and just being flexable.

The church building in Matapolo has relocated and has more space as well as a yard for kid's club and events. There is also a room for sunday school that was not available in the last building! Of course we all know the Church is the body of believers, but we praise Him that He has given Matapolo a place to meet!

The missionaries we are working with have been moving a little closer to the church this week as well and have been blessed with a home that works well for them to be close to the ministry that God has given them!

Kevin is doing wonderfully in school and we have done all the projects we can with what we have right now. We will be going back and doing more if we are able to get supplies. However, for the time being, he is very much enjoying schooling.

Annika has been a bit fussy this week, but she has also done a wonderful job eating since we discovered she wants to use her teeth and have things to chomp. She is still army crawling and on the bed will crawl on her knees a bit, but i think is discouraged on the tile floors right now to try on her knees.

Justin and Mykel have been busy busy busy, whether it be moving, preparing the new church building or tagging along for discipleship classes and learning spanish at home!

As for me, I have been preparing for our return to the states to renew our visas and our trip back to Costa Rica a few short weeks later...this time for at least 6 months. We are preparing fundraisers and trying to raise more support to be able to accomplish more here as the mission field here is a bit pricier than Haiti would be, but every soul is worth it and the Lord will provide.

Our current prayer is for a vehicle so that we can reach more people and minister to more people. The bike work great for us to use going to the store or church or even recreational family days; however, to reach out further a vehicle would be a great help.

Continue to pray for souls to be saved and growth in the lives of newer and older believers through the discipleship classes and sermons!

God Bless!
The White Family (Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 16th 2011

Hola Amigas/Amigos!

In this last week in a half Soul Chasing Ministries has found a new building for the Church to meet at on Wednesdays and Sundays. There will be more space for kids Bible Club on Saturdays also. This building is also secure and should allow for equipment to stay in the building. All that they are waiting on to move is a call from the renters as the renters want to repaint, etc... before they give the keys over. There are have been several people cancelling discipleship classes off and on so please pray that there might be a little more consistancy in those classes so that people will grow in faith and/or get saved.

At the house; homeschooling has been going well. We are studying the Bible in history, charting our way through nutrition tables in health, floating the missouri river in science and bouncing from money to estimates and more in math! Kevin's attitude has been good; well as much as a 9 year old can be when you make him sit still for long periods of time! His birthday was on Sunday and he had a great day. It is easy when they are still at an age where a giant chocolate chip cookie cake and a chocolate milk make thier day. Also, Kevin got a boogie board for his birthday, a soccer ball (from his aunt and uncle) and snorkle set (from the drokes). He will also get to spend some money from his grandparents and be recieving a package from his other grandparents and some church family from the states. We are very thankful that our children do not get to miss out on what most kids get to do and enjoy just because we are overseas and travel often! The Lord has blessed this for sure!

Annika is up to 6 teeth now! She is also becoming very independent in her eating. She likes to swim in her food as she is eating it; but i am so thankful she is eating after weeks of not being able to get her to eat much at all, that i will gladly clean the mess :). She is army crawling or running in her walker all day long! Her and daddy have had lots of time together in the mornings while Kevin and I adventure in homeschool!

We have all been practicing our spanish regularly; although some days i wonder if Justin and I are doing the same lesson...he is such a quick learner! He will say things and i will think "I don't remember doing that part!" haha... But i am thankful that he can begin ministering immediatly! He did get to read outloud at church a few weeks ago and he has been giving his praise reports and prayer requests in spanish. Kevin is also doing pretty well. Unfortunately he is like me and has a little more trouble with the spelling parts, but we have encouraged him to keep on trying and his attitude and efforts seem pretty good! He also isn't allowed to watch television shows in English if he can't tell us knew things he has learned in Spanish; so that may also help the motivation :).

We thank you all for your support, love and prayers! Our biggest prayer requests right now would be: obviously for salvations (particularly of the men in the households as it is rare to find a man serving the Lord), we also pray that the Lord would provide for a vehicle, which would help us be able to do more and participate in more evangalism and discipling and eventually expand to new areas as well! Finally, we ask for prayer that God would continue to grow us, both spiritually and in the culture to be able to reach the people better!

God Bless-
The White Family!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 6th, 2011

Greetings and salutations since last week! School has begun already for Kevin, we have been doing our lessons on Spanish via Rosetta Stone, and we are truckin' along steadily now in the ministry. Be in prayer as we have 3 enemies against us at all times; the flesh, the world, and the devil. All of which are trying to hinder the work of the Lord here, in our lives and the lives of the people here. Often times in this spiritual warfare, the attacks will happen to those closest to you to distract you, and that is exactly what is happening. Pray for the protection of our loved ones, as well as a steadfast, immovable faith regardless of ours and others circumstances. Pray for health, wealth and prosperity for us, yet the faith to serve even if we are sick, poor and at war! Dios los bendigas!