Sunday, January 23, 2011


WOW! it has been a while! Adjusting to a new baby has been interesting, but i think i am finally getting into a good rythm.

This will be updated weekly, but since it has been a few weeks i will try to catch everyone up on the happenings those weeks.

We had a couple of lunches this month with supporters (great fellowship). We have also run into many people who have been praying for us and it has been incredibly encouraging!

Most of this month has been spent in prayer about the church that will be started in Carrenage, Haiti. Our prayer is for hearts to be opened and of course, above all, that souls would be saved!

Justin has been helping out with church projects for all of the Piney Point Churches. I have been trying to get everything organized and into a new rythm with the changes we have had! Kevin has been homeschooling and playing like an 8 year old boy!Finally, Annika has been eating, sleeping and filling diapers! We did run into a couple spells of sickness, but God is in control!

God Bless you all! Our departure date is April 1st! We are looking forward to getting back and praying that obtaining visas will not be difficult!

The White Family

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