Sunday, June 2, 2013

May 2013 Newsletter

May 2013
The White Family
A Month of Preparation…

         Greetings once again from Justin, Bobbi, Kevin and Annika here in Costa Rica to all of you, our faithful and fantastic supporters and prayer warriors!  The month of May has been full of preparations… preparations for upcoming ministry opportunities, preparations for a hopeful relocation to the town of Atenas, and preparations for the short term mission team due to come work with us here in June.  As usual, we will start from the beginning of the month and summarize the events in chronological order!

Well, we begin this month by celebrating the end of era of formal learning.  As we had begun to prepare for the changes that were ahead of us on the horizon, we decided that Bobbi Ann and Steve would be better accommodated by continuing their Spanish learning through tutoring as opposed to the classroom.  So, after 2 trimesters in the Spanish Language Institute, we are now able to fully concentrate on the ministry as well as the relationships that come with it.

        We did not only say goodbye to formal learning, but also to many of the friendships that we had built over the previous 8 months, one of which being Melissa Ruble.  We had helped her settle into her new environment when she first arrived, and since, she and my wife have built a strong relationship.  She was a true sister in Christ, and supported us in our ministry as well as in our family… in fact, to our little Annika, she was lovingly called “aunt ‘la”.  Before moving on to her mission field of Honduras, she treated us all to a day of fun at the local theme park here in Costa Rica called “Parque de Diversiones” or “Fun Park” in English.  We had a great time together and we will miss our friend dearly and pray for her as she put her hands to the plow for the glory of the Lord there in Honduras and anywhere else she may go.

Next, shortly after Steve and Angel returned from their 3 week trip to the states to visit family and friends, a friend of ours, named Chris Smolchuck, asked if Steve and I (Justin) would help him with some work out at an adventure camp that he works for called “La Montaña”.  The job was to tear the ceiling out of one of the cabins and to clean up after ourselves.  We left early Friday morning and returned Saturday night.  Though it was work, we had a great time in fellowship, just us guys.  Always glad to help out a brother in Christ and encourage each other along the way.

        The remainder of the month was spent searching for cheap, furnished apartments in Atenas, as well as evaluating the progress of our group there, adding a new member to our SON Ministries mission team (Fernando Herrera, our Director of Education over Costa Rica), then introducing him to you, our supporters, on Steve’s biweekly radio show, and finally being officially given the ministry of pastoral education through “the Grace Institute” here in Costa Rica.  Things are moving quickly for us now, and we are trying to keep up.

        As we strive to keep up with and “flow” with the changes in the ministry, we are also doing all we can to raise awareness about what God is doing here in Costa Rica, and through SON Ministries as a whole.  We are so grateful for all your financial support and for your faithful prayers for us, and we would just like to ask you to also help us to get the word out about this work.  Tell your friends and your family about this exciting work of discipleship and training that is happening here in Costa Rica as well as the potential to carry it into the countries of Haiti and Peru, and wherever the Lord may open a door.  It is God who provides, and He uses people like you to do so… we NEED more faithful brothers and sisters in Christ to come on board and help us to take the word of truth to those who need it!  God bless every one of you in His will!  Until next month…

-Justin, Bobbi Ann
Kevin & Annika

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