Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April 2013 Newsletter

April 2013
The White Family
On the horizon…

          Greetings and salutations to all our faithful friends, family members and supporters from Costa Rica!  I know that the last newsletter was a bit dull and perhaps difficult to read without falling asleep, but thankfully the Lord has provided us with a little more to do this last month… and a little more to look forward to in the months ahead.  So let’s jump right in, in chronological order, and I’ll try to keep it interesting. J

        We began the month of April with another weekend trip up to the northwest corner of the country.  It had come time to check on and evaluate the progress of our students in Upala and Ortega.  So, as I love to get out and visit our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ around the country, Steve Hoover and I (Justin) woke up early Saturday morning and prepared ourselves with excitement to head out onto the open road… as it was at least 5 hours to our first destination.

        When traveling with our local friend, Christian brother and our chauffer, Fernando Herrera, we always have a great time.  We have great fellowship, good conversation and a lot of practice in speaking Spanish.  He has been a tremendous blessing and a part of our family over this last year.

        After we finally arrived at the Baptist church in Upala, we spent some time with the pastor (Elian) and his family, getting to know them better and encouraging them.  He has a wife and 3 kids of his own, as well as an “adopted” daughter that lives with them.  When I say “adopted” I mean that the mother had dropped her off at the church and left her there in Elian’s care.  This is a common occurrence considering that many parents in these areas can barely provide for their own necessities, let alone those of their children. Despite this sad truth, it’s easy to see the love of Christ manifested in the hearts of these brothers and sisters in Christ as they care for and look out for one another.

        After an couple hours of fellowship, the other members of our group began to arrive for their evaluation.  An evaluation consists of the entire group sitting together while Fernando (our “facilitador” or trainer) spends about an hour asking them questions about the study material, and depending on their knowledge and understanding of the material, we either set them up with the next set of classes, or we encourage them to continue studying the current material for an appropriate amount of time before we come back to reevaluate. This, however, has never been the case… they have always moved forward, faithfully and fervently.

        After the evaluation, and after giving them the next set of material, Steve Hoover had the great privilege and blessing of preaching to the youth of the church.  With the help of Fernando (our translator as well), Steve brought a great message about the body of Christ and how each one of us is a part of that body… an essential and needed role to fulfill.  Though the message was a great one, it was difficult for us “gringos” to hold our attention.  Among the many distractions such as the bugs, the dogs, the roosters… there was a bat that would come out about every 5 minutes or so to swoop around the tiny sanctuary, coming within just inches of Steve’s head.  I must admit, I found the whole ordeal quite amusing.  But despite the interruptions, we know that God’s word never goes out void, but accomplishes just what He pleases, amen!

        After the service we ate dinner with pastor Elian and his family, using some of the groceries that Fernando had bought for them because they were running extremely low on provisions.  Then it was onward to the hotel, then another early morning of driving to our next destination to evaluate another group in Ortega.  This was yet another 4 hour drive of fun and fellowship, and my first trip as “tech guy” to this area.  We took a few shortcuts along the way, not always sure where we were going, but we finally made it around 12pm or so (in Costa Rica, time is not an important part of the culture… PURA VIDA).  We didn’t spend as much time with this group, as we still had another long trip to get home, but it is always great to meet new brethren in Christ for the first time!

        On the way back home, we were able to have another very neat experience.  Given the fact that we were on a peninsula, in order to cut some time off our journey, we got to travel by ferry across the gulf of Nicoya at sunset.  As we boarded the boat, we watched the sun shrink down behind the landscape around us.  The orange glow on the blue water and the silhouette of the mountains and the islands in the distance reminded us once again of the God we serve and the work of His hands.  Such beauty could only have been fashioned by the hands of a master Sculptor and the way in which that art unfolded before our very eyes could only have been orchestrated by the master Designer.

        As for the rest of the month; Bobbi Ann and Steve have finished their 2nd Trimester at the Spanish Language Institute, Steve and Angel have returned to the states (from April 19th – May 7th) to try and raise more support for our mission here, so that we can continue the work here with our students as well as continue to grow in the ministry.  Pray that the Lord really brings the harvest.  As for the future, we are in much prayer and are very exciting about what the Lord may be bringing our way. Another group of ours located in Atenas (about an hour west of San Josè) have taken the biblical education that we have offered them for free, and have begun to apply it to their lives in a BIG way.  Pastor Jeremy has, since beginning the studies, planted 4 in-home church starts and has aspirations to plant an institute there in Atenas.  He is excited and we are excited with him, and we want to offer him our encouragement and support in his efforts.  Therefore we are seeking a home for us there in Atenas, ample support to continue our ministry here in Costa Rica, and of course, continued tutoring in the Spanish Language!

        We are participating in and watching as biblical discipleship and evangelism are coming alive before us, and we are so thankful to be the instruments in the hands of our Lord!  We are also thankful for each and every one of you that have made it possible for us to be here and to do this work.  God bless you all and we pray that you know that your finger prints are on each and every life that is touched by the glorious gospel of Christ and the grace of His salvation.  We love you and pray for you as well.  Blessings.

-Justin, Bobbi Ann
Kevin & Annika

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