Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29th 2011


Just wanted to send an update on the newest news. This last week we have began to study Latin American Spanish (used here in Costa Rica) with Rosetta Stone. It seems to be a great lesson and we are alread picking up so much! We can spend as much time as we have each day in the lessons.

Kevin starts school on Monday. He will begin the Rosetta Stone as well on Monday along with his shooling! We decided to start early; so when we have to leave the country when our 90 days is up he can take a small break until we get back.

Praise report. We have been given about 1/7th of the money we will need to purchase a durable vehicle! God has been working here and we have been continuing to learn the discipleship lessons in spanish as well as participate in the regular services and Saturday morning Bible Club.

Kevin's birthday is coming up and we hope to spend the day at the beach with the Droke family. I can not believe he will be 9 years old already! He is taking an interest in the surfers and loves to let the waves carry him into shore; for his birthday we are hoping to get him a boogie board to ride the waves on. He still has a little swimming practice to do before he can go out deeper in the big waves anyway!

Please, everyone, keep us posted on your prayer requests! Also, if you read our blog but have not been recieving our emails please email us at Motly we send only our newsletter out via email, but we can also pray with/for each of you and have a more personal conversation via email!

God Bless!

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