Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12th 2011

Hola amigas/amigos,

Don't let me fool you; we still need a lot of prayer and a lot of practice before we are anywhere near having the language down. The victory is that in the process of learning we are not letting the language barrier keep us from being involved in God's work here! We will however begin studying the language at least 10 hours a week!

Since my last post we had Wednesday night service/prayer meeting at Matapalo Church. Thursday we had our family day and spent a good portion of that at the beach with Ron and Meredith and their family. (At that time Kevin developed a knowledge of the need for frequent sunscreen application!). Saturday we had Bible Club in the morning and Pastor Ron decided to move the time to 10am after finding out there were free soccer practices in town until 10am on Saturdays; the prayer is that we might have more kids able to attend now. Sunday morning we attended church services at an english speaking church. It was a great service and was wonderful to be fed in our own language. Sunday evening Justin, Mykel and I began going through the same discipleship program that Soul Chasing Ministries goes over when they begin in people's homes. This is helping us learn Spanish as well as have a small mini family bible study. Monday was Justin and I's 2 year anniversary. We spent the morning doing our grocery shopping and walking around with Ron and Meredith. That afternoon, thanks to my parents, we enjoyed dinner out as a family. Finally, that afternoon Mykel volunteered to keep an eye on the kids and we went swimming in the pool in our complex area. Overall it was a wonderful way to spend our anniversary; it was just as wonderful as the oatmeal by lantern last year in Haiti.

Today Justin and Mykel are doing visitations and discipleship classes with Ron Droke.

Please continue to pray for the people of Matapalo and surrounding areas, that our light may shine bright and bring them to Christ with the gospel. Also pray for our language to flurish, that we might be able to get deeper into the culture also and reach more people for the King!


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