Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29th 2011


Just wanted to send an update on the newest news. This last week we have began to study Latin American Spanish (used here in Costa Rica) with Rosetta Stone. It seems to be a great lesson and we are alread picking up so much! We can spend as much time as we have each day in the lessons.

Kevin starts school on Monday. He will begin the Rosetta Stone as well on Monday along with his shooling! We decided to start early; so when we have to leave the country when our 90 days is up he can take a small break until we get back.

Praise report. We have been given about 1/7th of the money we will need to purchase a durable vehicle! God has been working here and we have been continuing to learn the discipleship lessons in spanish as well as participate in the regular services and Saturday morning Bible Club.

Kevin's birthday is coming up and we hope to spend the day at the beach with the Droke family. I can not believe he will be 9 years old already! He is taking an interest in the surfers and loves to let the waves carry him into shore; for his birthday we are hoping to get him a boogie board to ride the waves on. He still has a little swimming practice to do before he can go out deeper in the big waves anyway!

Please, everyone, keep us posted on your prayer requests! Also, if you read our blog but have not been recieving our emails please email us at Motly we send only our newsletter out via email, but we can also pray with/for each of you and have a more personal conversation via email!

God Bless!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

July Newsletter

Hola Amigos/Amigas,

July has given us more time to acclimate to most of the culture here in Costa Rica; though I fear by our glossy appearance it may take more time to acclimate to the heat. We have run our air-conditioning twice since we have been here and both evenings it was a wonderful blessing. Our location has us surrounded by several beaches and Thursdays have been set aside as ‘Family Day’, thanks to the Droke family we have been to several of the beaches and have really enjoyed each one!

Last month when I wrote I did not take the opportunity to introduce all that happens here, as we were still learning. We have had the opportunity to work alongside Ron and Meredith Droke with Soul Chasing Ministries. You can check out their website and follow them at: . I believe when the team was here they witnessed one salvation; but we have yet to personally see any salvations. The amazing and most encouraging thing we have seen the Spirit do since we have been here is bring to life the book of Acts. Several days of the week Justin and Mykel are tagging along with Ron to visit homes of people and inviting them to have discipleship classes in their homes. Many people have accepted and are growing weekly! There is also a church building and the doors are open on Wednesday nights for prayer meetings and worship and Sundays for worship.

A Prayer Request for this particular area would be that the men would get involved and be changed by the gospel and begin to lead their families. There is one man that attends services steadily and maybe 2 that visit off and on, but the rest are all women. My personal prayer has been 1 Peter 3; for women to win their husbands without a word!

As far as our family, we are well! It has been very excited to see the Lord move. We are working on getting a program together to learn Spanish a little quicker; right now we are just learning words from experience (which is good as well). Kevin has been working on flashcard each day with Justin as well as watching cartoons in Spanish in the afternoon.

As I mentioned above, Justin and Mykel have been following Ron around and learning more of the culture and people. Kevin has been enjoying his summer, learning Spanish and swimming often. He is also enjoying Saturday morning Bible Club at the church and playing soccer with the kids, there is no language barrier between children! Annika has been teething and running through the house in her walker, laughing as she runs into people. I have been cooking, cleaning, doing laundry and enjoying getting to love on the women in the church (no language barrier in a smile, hug and kiss on the cheek). I will also have to start preparing for school this week for Kevin.

From the beginning of this ministry we have decided we would always be honest about money and where it is being spent. We would like to share with you those details as well as some needs and prayer requests. We are staying in a 2 bedroom home that includes internet/cable and water and is also gated in so that the kids can play outside (a huge percentage of crime in Costa Rica is associated with child abductions) = $500/month. $50 goes toward travel money, gas (which is around $5/gallon here). Ron and Meredith pick us up and take us anywhere we need to go. Someone also paid for us to be able to get a bike, so when we need small things from the store here or there, Justin is able to make a trip to the local store for us (Thank you). Between food and entertainment (being able to eat out once or twice a month as a family) we try to spend no more than $350. Finally is our electric bill, which we will not receive until after the 28th of July; therefore we are uncertain what that will run. We do know that it is less expensive during the rainy season (now), because it is powered by water.

Needs/Prayer requests:

*First and foremost are always the spiritual needs. I stated my prayer above, but mostly pray for all souls to be opened and come to Christ. Also, for our own personal spiritual growth that we would stay zealous for spreading the gospel always!

*We could use another bike with a baby seat on the back. Then Justin and Kevin could ride together and the baby and I could ride together whenever possible to save gas money. This bike costs $160.

*We are in need for more people to support our ministry and broaden our budget for those things that are needed, such as food (food here is slightly more expensive that the states and we feed 4 mouths on about $3 per meal right now) and clothing for our ever-growing children. We ask that you who are supporting to reach out to friends and family and attempt to bring them on board for the cause.

*Finally we are in great need of an actual vehicle, rugged enough for the terrain, to take us into Matapalo and the surrounding areas, to spread the gospel to all of Guanacaste and eventually other provinces. We have kept an eye on Craigslist and if the money wa available have seen great vehicles for around $7,000. Ron and Meredith have been a huge help and blessing in driving us places; they are also in need of prayer for the repair of their vehicles.

Each month I ask for your prayer requests as well and once again I ask that you would please share with us what your needs are for prayer! We very much enjoy being a part of your lives as well. If you have Facebook you can also keep up with us on there. Justin and I each have individual accounts as well as an account for White Family Missions.

God Bless,

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12th 2011

Hola amigas/amigos,

Don't let me fool you; we still need a lot of prayer and a lot of practice before we are anywhere near having the language down. The victory is that in the process of learning we are not letting the language barrier keep us from being involved in God's work here! We will however begin studying the language at least 10 hours a week!

Since my last post we had Wednesday night service/prayer meeting at Matapalo Church. Thursday we had our family day and spent a good portion of that at the beach with Ron and Meredith and their family. (At that time Kevin developed a knowledge of the need for frequent sunscreen application!). Saturday we had Bible Club in the morning and Pastor Ron decided to move the time to 10am after finding out there were free soccer practices in town until 10am on Saturdays; the prayer is that we might have more kids able to attend now. Sunday morning we attended church services at an english speaking church. It was a great service and was wonderful to be fed in our own language. Sunday evening Justin, Mykel and I began going through the same discipleship program that Soul Chasing Ministries goes over when they begin in people's homes. This is helping us learn Spanish as well as have a small mini family bible study. Monday was Justin and I's 2 year anniversary. We spent the morning doing our grocery shopping and walking around with Ron and Meredith. That afternoon, thanks to my parents, we enjoyed dinner out as a family. Finally, that afternoon Mykel volunteered to keep an eye on the kids and we went swimming in the pool in our complex area. Overall it was a wonderful way to spend our anniversary; it was just as wonderful as the oatmeal by lantern last year in Haiti.

Today Justin and Mykel are doing visitations and discipleship classes with Ron Droke.

Please continue to pray for the people of Matapalo and surrounding areas, that our light may shine bright and bring them to Christ with the gospel. Also pray for our language to flurish, that we might be able to get deeper into the culture also and reach more people for the King!


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1st Discipleship Classes

Today was the 1st time, other than with the Riverside mission team, that Justin and Mykel got to experience the discipleship classes. They sat in people's homes and spent intimate one on one time with them. At each home they fellowshipped and spent time in God's word. It was a good time for them to ask questions and dig deeper into God's word. Basically they were building closer relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ and growing together spiritually.

They also got to try some new local foods; each home was hospital in its own way.

It was a blessing to see the word of God come to life. "And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord was adding daily to their number day by day those were being saved." ACTS 2:44-47

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bible Club

Yesterday (Saturday July 2nd) was the first 'Bible Club' at Matapalo. There were about 14-15 children in attendance! Creation was the first lesson and they also participated in Bible Trivia. In order to keep them focused, they also wore off some energy with games!

Kevin was able to participate pretty well also! This was exciting for us, as in Haiti, the language was a barriar for Kevin to have a desire to make friends!

Today we have Church services at 3:00 in Matapalo. Pray for believers to grow and lost to be saved!

God Bless! We love you all and look forward to sharing more of what the Lord is doing in Costa Rica soon!