Monday, November 22, 2010


Hello Friends!

Not too much has happend out of the ordinary since our last post. I did forget to mention that we attended a beautiful wedding last weekend; where the gospel was presented and the Lord was the center of attention it was wonderful!

Since our last post, Kevin had another dance class and Annika had another check up. We met the doctor and she seems to be a very nice woman and I feel comfortable :) ... Now i will need to make sure i share Jesus with her! Not sure where she stands on that!

I enjoyed a fellowship Saturday night with some women of the Church and this morning had the privelage to send a card to a brother in Christ who is in prison for a poor choice of past decisions!

This week it looks like we will see our parents go to Haiti for a week, I get the privalage of visiting the Sigman's in the hospital and praying with them again and We will get to visit Lakeside Baptist Church to share our presentation on Sunday morning.

We love you all and are praying continuously!
God Bless
The Whites

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Hello Everyone!

Well, we did not have interent for the last several days so i am now updating and hope that next Monday I will be able to get back on track. I don't think there is much organization in the life of a missionary! :)

The Lord has blessed us not to have any payments or any thing that we rely on in this world. It is funny though that the things that Satan 'thinks' we rely on, he tries to attack us in those areas! We had our tires all changed and rotated when we returned to the states so that we could travel and talk to churches, etc... about the ministry. Since then we had an issue with a bent tire rim that we thought was making the car shake (terribly). Once we got that fixed it seemed the shaking was only getting worse. We then found out we had been driving around on a tire that was wore down to the metal (how the previous trips to tire shops did not catch it, we don't know, but the Lord protected us!). Then this last week the battery had a default chip in it and our car went haywire while a friend was using it. Again, the Lord handled it and we are just praising Him for protection over us all while all these things have been happening!

This last week was mostly attending events with the Piney Point Churches and this week is helping in the construction of the Piney Point Daughter Churches. :)...

I will meet Annika's doctor this Thursday (if i can find the other doctors office that they asked me to go to this one time)! :) I can not believe how close we are to having a family of 4! But i do look so forward to meeting her - we all do!

Homeschool is going wonderful and Kevin had had a good attitude lately - Praise the Lord! I have been trying to alternate subjects a little differently so he might not feel so overwhelmed as well - i hope it will continue to work.

Please keep praying for a healthy delivery as well as a healthy baby. Also pray that our paper work all goes quick and smooth once she is born so that we can return!

The election is also quickly approaching in Haiti - keep that in prayer!!

God Bless you all~ Bondye Beni Nou!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Wednesday, November 10, 2010



again, i would first like to apologize for not posting on Monday evening!

This last week we moved most of our items into a 'somewhat' permanent housing until Annika is born. The hope is to have a little less moving around since we are getting closer to the birth of the baby!

We also had our last small clinic appointment and next week we get to meet our doctor that will deliver Annika.

We got to visit with Hickory Creek Baptist Church this week. We gave an update on the ministry and Justin delivered a message!

On Saturday we joined the Eureka church at a chili cook off. We were able to hand out several flyers inviting people to the church as well as seeing the church actually win the cook off; it was a blessing on both parts!

So far this week we have been mostly encouraging and supporting all of the projects for the Piney Point churches!

Well, next week looks like we will get to visit cassville, so my post may come on Tuesday when we get back!

Bondye Beni Nou! God Bless you all!
The Whites


wanted to send out a quick apology for my neglecting to update the page for a while and to let everyone know that i will be getting on after church this evening to post an update! Again, i apologize and am without excuse! Praise the Lord though, we HAVE been busy for Jesus :)...will post more on our happenings later!

Bondye Beni Nou! God Bless You All!
Bobbi Ann

Monday, November 1, 2010


Well we wrapped up October this last week! Our Missions Encouragement classes are completed and we are grateful to those at Beaver Lake Aviation for allowing us to use a meeting room. We also want to thank those of you who were able to come out for those classes and learn about who is called, where we are called and more!

Kevin has started to participate more in homeschooling and actually allowing himself to be schooled rather than doing his own thing (this is a huge praise). So now as the next couple of weeks come together I have been able to plan more unit studies and fun school days as well as hoping to make field trips possible!

Justin and I have been involved this week with the Piney Point churches and helping where we could as well as attending several events. We also be attending a funeral today for Brother Fred Spencer, who was the first pastor at Piney Point Baptist Church. We had the privelage of hearing him teach for several weeks in Cassville, MO.

For pastor appreciation week Justin and I were given a night stay in Rogers and a night of babysitting offer! This is a huge for us and we appreciate it very much! We are more thankful that we get to serve the Lord every day! It is nice when things like this come up, but our eyes are set on the upward prize! :)

Next Sunday we look forward to visiting our brothers and sisters in Christ at Hickory Creek Baptist Church!

We love you all and are thankful the Lord has put you in our paths...please continue or start to email us with your prayer requests and just let us know what is going on and how things are going!

God Bless!
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika (coming soon! - on wed. we will have 2 months left!)