Monday, September 27, 2010


Hello all!

Well this last week as i said was Tennessee week! We got a nice week vacation with my parents. We had several opportunities that we were able to witness as well as fellowship with a church that loved the Lord!

Tonight we had our 2nd Missions Encouragement class. We discovered our resource, talent and learned for application. Our final class will be the last monday night of October at 6pm.

Next Sunday we will be 1st Baptist Church of Bentonville. We also have another trip planned to Texas in october.

We will let you know the happenings next week!

God Bless you all!
The White Family

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hello Friends!

Again, thank you all so much for your love, support and prayers. We have had great opportunities this week.

Last Sunday morning Justin gave a great sermon from the Lord at Piney Point. We also got to encourage the Cross Point Church in Eureka that evening. On Monday Justin contacted several pastors and were able make commitments to visit three churches and give our presentation (which consists of encouraging others into missions and of course seeking support for the Lord's work in Haiti through our family). We do know now that we will be visiting Texas again in October :)! It will be between the Calvary Baptist Women's event also, so i am hoping to join our sisters at that church for their event :). We did need to change the date for our visit with the First Baptist Church of Bentonville. We will now be speaking there on Sunday night, October 3rd. We look forward to seeing Brother Philip Smith again! Thursday night Justin had the privilege of speaking for the men at the Piney Point Men's Study and spoke on Galations 2:20.

We had a great homeschool week! We even were able to start a few schience labs finally! Hoping we can find some caterpillars this upcoming week. The only hard part of traveling and having observation labs is leaving your labs or even traveling with them, but we are doing what we can!

Friday we spent all day driving to join our parents in Tennessee, which is where we are now! We were invited on a week vacation with them. Kevin just learned about land regions and so much more that we were able to apply on the trip down, it was a lot of fun! We also had several witnessing opportunities, which is always encouraging!

Today was our first actual day in Tennessee. We went into Gatlinburg, TN and walked through most of the town. They have some very interesting things: great clothing (my thing, even though i can't bring myself to spend money on anything :), haunted houses (which Justin likes), game places (Kevin's thing)and just a ton of family activities! We hope this week will be relaxing and allow Justin and I to have a much needed date as well as the three and 1/2 of us to catch up on some much needed family time; we have been running a lot lately! However, even in the midst of vacationing, we know our hearts is in spreading the gospel and so we are taking that opportunity here in Tennessee :). We also could never forget our great brothers and sisters who support us in love, prayer and financial. We love you all and will write again next week to let you know what the Lord has allowed to happen for His kingdom in Tennessee!

Bondye Beni Nou,
The White Family
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika (she is getting big; or at least momma is!)

Monday, September 13, 2010



This was not as eventful of a week as usual. Justin was able to reach several people this week and we were able to get dates from 4 pastors to talk to their church family. This includes making another trip to Texas this October. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again. I am also hoping to join the women in their annual conference while we are down.

We had our appointment with the clinic this week again and the baby seems to be healthy and I seem to have gained 8lbs which made the doctor very happy. Today we also recieved a card letting us know we got approved for Medicaid. This is a huge praise, as the Lord has taken care of all of the finances for the pregnancy and birth through Medicaid!

Kevin had a rough start with homeschool. He woke up at 4am the first day and by 9am the lack of sleep hit him like a ton of bricks and nap time kept us going with school until late afternoon. The second day he also caused schooling to last late into the day, but the third day he completed all of his work in 3 hours and was so excited to see how quick homeschooling went that we haven't had any problem since!

Justin stayed in Louisiana a couple of extra days and joined in an opportunity to alligator hunt! He did kill an alligator and I did not ask for any details until they all returned safely; :) Which they did.

Well, next week we will be in Tenessee for a week, thanks to my parents. They are on vacation and have invited us to join them for a week. It will be a nice time to spend alone with our family.

Please let us know what prayers we can be lifting up for everyone! We love you all and are so thankful for your continued support. Remember, if we can come speak to your church family we would love the opportunity. Email us your prayer requests or any other requests you have:

God Bless,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika

Sunday, September 5, 2010



Good Sunday everyone! Well, it may be VERY late but I would really like to try to stick to Sunday posts so i am gonna give you an over view of Thursday, Friday, Saturday and today!

This week we got approved for food stamps so we can help those we stay with (huge blessing). We recieved our card for that this week.

Friday morning at 5am Justin left for Milldale, L.A. He is attending the Fires of Revival conference..and today i discovered that he will be staying a couple of extra days to be able to alligator hunt (interesting).

Kevin and I have been enjoying mom/son time and getting a lot done as far as organizing and preparing for homeschool, which starts tomorrow morning! We get to start with a few subject and then try to find and collect caterpillars and make a habitat for them as well as plant some seeds (looking forward to this!).

This week we won't really have any church visits until Justin returns, so I am going to try to get some baby stuff organized and of course Kevin and I will learn a routine for school!

Please keep us updated in what is happening in all of your lives! We are praying daily and want to know if there are any specifics we can pray for.

Bondye Beni Ou
The Whites

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September Starting


Once again I apologize for a late post. We had the privelage of staying with another family in Christ this last week and my computer did not get much attention.

Well, starting with last week: We returned from St. Louis and had a great time and also were able to speak to some pastors who will hopefully have us back again this fall to give our presentation. Over all, we had a great fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ.

On Friday night I was able to join with many of the pastors wives from Piney Point and study on prayer. I learned a lot, saw areas where I need to grow and was encouraged in areas. Tonight we were blessed to visit with His Way Fellowship.

Justin will be gone all week at the Fires of Revival Conference in Milldale, LA. I will be trying to get as much together as possible to begin Kevin's homeschooling on Monday.

I will try to make the next post on Sunday this week!!

God Bless!