Thursday, August 1, 2013

July 2013 Newsletter

July 2013                                      

The White Family

Moving On… and on… and on

         Greetings and salutations to our friends and family in the states (and perhaps other parts of the world as well) from us here in Costa Rica!  Thank you for yet another month of support and encouragement that allows us the ability and the strength to minister to brothers and sisters in Christ here in Latin-America, as well as to be ambassadors for Christ to all whom we encounter here.  This last month has not failed to keep us busy and gloriously wore out.  I shall explain:

We began the month with an evaluation trip to Upala, which is right up near the Nicaraguan border, a 5 hour drive from San José.  Remember, this trip was on the heels of Fernando and Steve and I’s 3 day, 2 night trip to Masatepe; across the Nicaraguan border.  Now, Fernando usually drives us to our destinations, but in this case his van was in the shop, so Steve and I had to rent a car in our name and drive the 5 hours ourselves… a nice reprieve for Fernando.  On a side note, the money needed to repair Fernando’s van ($1800) was all raised in just 1 day!  In any case, the trip was fruitful, the fellowship was sweet, and the evaluation was a success.  Our students are advancing steadily through the seminary courses, and enjoying the process!
After Steve and I returned  from Upala, we began seeking a residence outside of the city and closer to some of our students.  We had been praying for an affordable place in Atenas, Costa Rica for some time, and finally the opportunity arose.  We spoke with the owner of a 2 bedroom, 1 bath house about it’s availability and our ability to “modify” it to house all 6 of us.  After we were given approval, we made the deal.  The modification we discussed was the screening in of the back patio, to make it another bedroom, a much cooler and larger bedroom.  So from that point on, we were busy packing and getting ready for the “big” move.

        After more than a week of living around buckets and bags, it was finally time to move.  Now, we had hoped to used Fernando’s van, but it was still in the shop, so we had to rely on the old 1991 Ford Explorer… a.k.a. the Gas Guzzler!  As we loaded the truck to the brim, over and over again, we began to realize how much “stuff” we had been given by our mission team that had just left us the month before, as well as the little things that we have been blessed with over the last 2 years of living in Costa Rica.  It took 6, one hour, trips to and from San José and Atenas, and 2 full tanks of gas (about $100 each) to complete the move, but even after all had been transferred, the move was far from complete.  There was still the unpacking, the organizing, the “modifying” of the house, the settling, and then the long process of trial and error in finding a decent internet service to stay connected with everyone back in the states.  We are still in the process of completing all these things, but by the grace of God, we are getting it done.

        As if the ministry and the move were not enough, Bobbi Ann and the kids and I have been gearing up for our trip back to the states to replenish our financial support, renew our long “on hold” friendships, and refresh our own hearts so that we may once again return to Costa Rica and continue our active ministry of discipleship and evangelism.  We fly back on the 8th of August, and we plan to stay until we raise as much as is needed for us to be sustained for another 2 years or more.  If you are interested in seeing us while we are back, to learn more about our ministry and what we are doing, or to schedule us a time to speak at your church, you can send us at email to and we will be glad to visit and share with you.

        This is where we are at right now, in the middle of a fruitful ministry, yet in need to come back to the states.  We need you all to be praying for us to have a productive time in the states, for open hearts to receive us, and for hearts to be burdened for the people here in Costa Rica.  We are grateful to have the time to see family and friends, but our desire is to remain here, doing the work of an evangelist, and teaching the word of God.  What that means for you is; if you are currently supporting us financially, please continue to do so knowing that every little bit helps and keeps us that much closer to returning to Costa Rica; if you are not supporting us, please pray about what the Lord would have you to contribute; and finally all of you be in prayer for His provision and our trust in Him.

-Justin, Bobbi Ann
Kevin & Annika

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