Thursday, May 19, 2011


Calling all prayer warriors,
Our family has grown spiritually in the last month; learning to ‘wait on the Lord’. That being said we need prayer for the mission field. We began to purchase tickets for Peru a couple of days ago and in order to do get to Peru we would need to raise $6,000 immediately. This money would pay for our plane tickets and allow us to use the money in the account to live off of as well as reach out to people.
Also, when Dr. Jerry Spencer (evangelist) was at Piney Point a couple of weeks ago he mentioned the need for full time missionaries in Costa Rica. The ticket prices to Costa Rica are almost ¼ of the cost of the tickets to Peru.
Our prayer request would be that God would make it obvious where He wants to use us. We desire to be in the center of His will. We know that if God wants us to go to Peru that He will provide the money with no problems. Please pray that within the next couple of weeks the Lord will make it clear where He wants us.
Thank you for being faithful to serve Him! God Bless!
Justin and Bobbi Ann White

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

April 2011

April 2011
Dear Family/Friends,
Wow! April flew by very quickly. Just last night I realized I needed to let everyone know what the month happenings were already! As usual I want to start with a ‘Thank you all’. Your faith is great to realize that God’s plans are bigger than our own! We have said before that your finger prints are on each soul that is won or grows for the Lord; in saying that, your faith is in each place God chooses to send our family to win souls!
This month Kevin was the soul winner! Justin and I had handed out flyers to the revival services we had at Pea Ridge and Piney Point, but Kevin decided to invite a friend from down the road. Kevin’s friend, Davie, gave his life to the Lord last week! Praise the Lord! We would ask that our prayer warriors keep him in your prayers, as he lives in a home that since then has not allowed him to go back to church with us and showed no excitement for him when he told them the news of his salvation.
We have met with Brandon Carol, full time missionary in Peru, and have a little more information. *First as a side note, our brother Mykel, a full time missionary, will also be joining us in Peru this summer! Justin, Mykel and Brandon will be joined by a few other men and reaching out to tribes who need the gospel the day after we arrive in Peru, June 14th. Since the kids and I will be on our own the first couple of days (with the help of families in the ministry there) we will become acclimated with the culture as well as begin ministering to the women and children in which we come in contact! The goal for discipleship in Peru is to begin house churches.
April was much emphasis on revival services as well as finding out as much as possible about the direction the Lord has us going. Justin also stayed busy with projects this month. He counts himself privileged to be able to help with the needs of our church bodies while we are in the states! The children and I have continued in homeschooling, daily chores and prayer!
Our prayer requests:
*The continued work in Haiti (we now have a full time missionary doctor committed to running the hospital once it is finished).
*For God to soften hearts in Haiti, Peru, India and Ethiopia (our full time missionaries to Ethiopia leave this month)
*Protection from the snares of Satan.
Please email us with your prayer requests. It has been a while since we have heard from many of you and we would love to know how each of you are doing.
God Bless,
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika