Sunday, April 17, 2011

March 2011 Newsletter

Dear Family and Friends,

We want to start as usual by thanking you all for your prayers and support! God has been doing amazing things this month.

This month was filled with Church events and construction projects. As usual Kevin was busy with school and being a boy and Annika was busy growing! We did have a doctor’s appointment and received some antibiotics that Annika could take overseas in case of an emergency.

There is a lot to share in this newsletter. We bought our plane tickets to leave on April 6th for Mole St. Nicholas, Haiti (to witness in Carrenage). About 4 or 5 days before we were due to leave we received an email from the pastor that we work with there. He has been busy with his ministry and was not ready for us to work with him this summer. Since our tickets were already bought and we had planned to work in Haiti, we contacted the Little Rock Association that is currently working in Haiti as well as an orphanage we work with in Port Au Prince, Haiti. Both compounds expressed the desire for us to work with them; however, the number of missionaries has grown since the earthquake last year and they currently have no place to lodge us. At first this situation could seem grim and defeated; then we remember the work Paul was accomplishing in Acts 16. When Paul wanted to go to Rome to witness the Spirit would not allow him to go and there was need elsewhere for his preaching. We have worked with a missionary in the past from Peru and decided after prayer to contact him and see what his needs were at this time. It happens that he is in need of mission families to come and disciple new believers in Peru. Mr. Brandon Carroll and his wife are missionaries in Peru and are currently looking for an unreached tribe along the Amazon. Through prayer it has been decided that we will leave June 13th with Brandon and stay the summer in Peru helping them to look for this tribe as well as help disciple new believers. Feel free to look over the work they are doing in Peru (

As God seems to be closing doors and opening new doors, please feel free to ask any questions that we may not have brought up that you would like to know. We may not know the answers to everything, but remember that we want you to be involved in our family’s life. Also remember that we want the Holy Spirit to be in charge (Prov. 19:21).

SON Ministries had a meeting this month as well. Pastor Chuck Sackman will still provide wisdom and assistance in missions and the ministry; however, the new president is Pastor Steve Hoover, the vice president is John Ketring and secretary is Vanessa Ketring. All mailing information will remain the same and if you have questions concerning upcoming mission trips, etc… you can contact Vanessa Ketring at 479-228-8183. Justin and I can still be contacted via email at: . We will also send out our newsletter once a month and do our best to update the blog as often as possible (hopefully weekly!)

There is also another ministry that is related to overseas missions that you are welcome to become a part of: Mrs. Kay Ricker was lead by the Lord to have a sewing ministry. Dresses will be sewn and prayed over here in the states. After they have been made and prayed over, the dresses will be brought to the mission field via mission teams in the fall or spring. These dresses will allow us to reach out and witness through a physical need of the people. The most important part will be the prayer that takes place over each garment for the person that will receive it. If you would like to know more about the ministry or have any items you could donate (material, simple patterns, machines, etc…) please contact Kay Richer at 479-531-5530 (this is an evening number ONLY). You can also mail her any smaller items to: 17511 Hilltop Heights Rogers, AR 72756. You can also email me and I will gather more information for you.


*Our largest prayer requests right now is for Satan not to have a foothold in our lives… “… do not give the devil an opportunity.” Eph. 4:27

*Preparation for the mission field – hearts to be softened and the gospel to be received and souls to be saved!... The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

*For doors to be opened for our ministry where ever God calls us; for Churches to be started. “…praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak for the mystery of Christ…” Col. 4:3

Please send us your prayer requests as well this month and whenever you need encouragement! It encourages us to hear from each of you! Thank you for your continued love and support; especially through prayer!

God Bless You,

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

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