Monday, April 1, 2013

March 2013 Newsletter

March 2013
The White Family in Costa Rica

Time Marches On…

            Greetings and good April to all you, our faithful supporters and prayer warriors, from Justin, Bobbi, Kevin and Annika here in San José, Costa Rica!  We are always ever so thankful for you and the ministry that we are in together.  As much as I want to tell you that the month of March brought revival and hundreds of “ticos” coming to Christ through our ministry of the gospel of Christ, that is just not the case.  Though we have been faithful to share the gospel each day with the help of some tracts that we have been graciously given, the month of March has been slow and steady moving.  I’ll try to “highlight” it, without boring you too badly J

            One of the blessings of this last month was getting a few repairs done on our Ford Explorer.  As it had (has) its share of problems, we took it in to a local mechanic, referred to us by our landlord, Jorge.  Among the problems, we took it in to repair the fuel gauge, hazard lights, power windows and locks.  A week and $100 later, all had been fixed except for the fuel gauge.  As it turns out, it needed a new float, and apparently it is difficult to find parts for Ford Explorers here in Costa Rica, new or used.  BUT we praise the Lord that we were able to fix the others for a very reasonable price.  We are still searching for the float (probably will have to have it brought down from the states) as well as a new set of motor mounts which we have recently discovered are also broken.  Still, it runs great and has been a HUGE blessing to us and we look forward to being able to gain the regular support to be able to use it for the ministry (as gas is $6 per gallon).

            As not much else, ministry wise, has occurred this last month, I thought that perhaps you would like a little tour of where we live.  We are renting a house here in the middle of San Francisco de Dos Rios, San José. It is a 2 story house and on the 2nd floor is the apartment that my parents (Steve and Angel Hoover) live in, complete with a bedroom, a bathroom, a dining room, a kitchen and a living room.  Which, as you can see, aren’t very spacious, but definitely a blessing.  It has a decent view of the park across the street as well, which you can see below:

            The ground floor is our place.  It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms (though we don’t have bathtubs, only showers) with a back patio that is surrounded by concrete and open to the sky above through the iron bars that block anyone from being able to enter from the roof.  It allows for a good breeze through the house, which is nice considering that we do not have air conditioning here.  We are very blessed that the kids are able to have their own space also, with Kevin being a 10 year old boy, he enjoys not having to share a room with a 2 year old girl. Annika has her little kitchen play set and Kevin has his desk where he plays with his legos, works on his puzzles and does his crafts.

            Aside from the park across the street, we are in the middle of a big city, with houses surrounding us on all sides.  There is no space between houses, rather each place shares a wall with the next and yards do not really exist.  This may be the case in any major city in the US, but it is definitely something that we, from northwest Arkansas, were not accustomed to.  Another unfamiliarity that we had to get used to were the bars EVERYWHERE!  Bars on the windows, bars over the patio, bars surrounding the car ports… bars and razor wire, let’s not forget the razor wire!  Ah well, home is home, God is God, and we are on a mission and will be content in ALL situations.  There are so many in this world that do not have near what we have, so how can we even begin to complain.  Thank you Lord for Your goodness and grace in our lives!

            Well, that is but a tiny glimpse into the place that we call home here in Costa Rica.  As always we thank you all for your faithfulness and just ask that you continue to help us in this ministry, regardless of how slow it may seem to go, God is working through us for His glory and He is using each one of you to make it possible.  Keep the faith and spread His word!  God bless!

-Justin, Bobbi, Kevin and Annika
SON Ministries
