Friday, March 1, 2013

February 2013 Newsletter

February 2013
The White Family in Costa Rica

A Driving force on the mission field

         Good March to all our family and friends, brothers and sisters in Christ!  The month of February has indeed been a good month of recuperation from the month long visit from the in-laws, Chuck and Jodi Sackman!  More than that, however, it has also been packed full of blessings and busy-ness.  I’ll give you the details of each event in chronological order… if I can remember them J

         Well, the beginning of this month was much like the end of the last.  Chuck and Jodi did not return to Arkansas until the 7th, and that last week was bitter sweet for all of us as we wrapped up our time together.  During that time Chuck and I set out on the 3 cross hike, an uphill climb full of trails, creek beds, bluffs, jungle, views and beauty… a testament to the physical health of Chuck Sackman who, over the last year, has been living healthier and losing weight.  This is a journey that I (Justin) have taken on a few occasions before, and one that I enjoy leading others on to see God’s beautiful creation from such a great vantage point.
Also during that last week, the Lord gave us a great opportunity to further our ministry here in Costa Rica.  We received news that another missionary here was preparing to move onto another country and another task and was selling his vehicle for a great price.  With our pastor (also father-in-law) Chuck, we headed out to take a look at it, a 1991 Ford Explorer.  It had some years on it, and its share of  “issues”, but overall it ran great, and for a price that you rarely find around here.  Of course, regardless of the price, we just did not have the money.  So we prayed and asked the Lord for His provision, sent out a notice to our church family and supporters back home, and waited.  Within a week’s time, we had all that we needed to purchase the vehicle, praise God for His provision!  Now I was sure that a vehicle of that price would not last long, but when God provides, He also makes the way… we called and it was still available… WOOHOO!  We are now the stewards of a vehicle for the glory of the Lord here in Costa Rica!

Getting the vehicle was surely a blessing from the Lord, but we were not able to use it at the moment.  Along with the few “fixer uppers” that it needed, we also had to get our Costa Rican licenses to be able to drive it!  That, we were to find out, consisted of much paperwork and time.  Copies of passports and visas and licenses had to be made, a physical medical exam had to be done, payments to governmental services had to be paid and finally, time had to be spent waiting in lines and reviewing documentation and answering questions.  For Bobbi Ann, the process was to validate her US driver’s license to receive her Costa Rican one… for me, well, my license was expired!  I had to take a different route… one that every national has to take… the driver’s test… in SPANISH!  I studied and studied, memorizing vocabulary and the rules of the foreign road, having to register myself into the system, waiting in lines, paying fees and making appointments.  Then I took the written exam, and passed!  From there I had to make the appropriate copies of the documents, get the medical exam and wait in the lines… only I have just received a learners permit.  Which just means that I can only drive so long as I have someone with me who has a license.  This will serve me well until I can renew my US license and validate it for my C.R. one.    

Beyond the joys of car ownership and license acquisition, the kids have been growing and learning each day.  Kevin began the 4th grade in the public school here in Costa Rica.  He would be in 5th grade, but we held him back a year so that he could concentrate on Spanish as the school is, of course, completely in Spanish.  He is coming along just fine, understanding and participating and making friends.  Be in prayer for us however… though he is only 10, he’s acquiring the independent disposition of a teenager!  Pray that we have the patience and the spiritual wisdom to help him through this physical and emotional roller coaster that he is approaching!  As for Anni, she has quite the little attitude of her own.  As we say, her terrible twos have officially arrived!  To think that when we arrived here in Costa Rica, she could not even crawl, and now she is literally bouncing off the walls and chattering up a storm (in English and in Spanish).  No matter the challenges that they face and the struggles that we will all go through, we are so grateful to be able to raise our children on the mission field and living out the will and the word of God!

         Bobbi Ann and I are continuing to learn each day… learning the language, learning the people and learning about the ministry.  With still another trimester and a half of language school, we are already envisioning what the ministry will be in the long term.  A lot of travel, meeting new people and sharing the word of God with all those who will receive it, we have a lot of ground to cover and God’s word is never exhausted!  We appreciate all of your prayers and your financial support that makes EVERYTHING that we do here possible.  We pray for your continued involvement in this ministry that is touching and changing, not only our lives, but the lives of everyone that the Lord places in our path.  God bless you and keep you in His will and for His glory!  Amen!

-Justin, Bobbi, Kevin and Annika
SON Ministries
