Tuesday, November 6, 2012

October 2012 Newsletter

Saludos a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo de la casa de los White aquí en San José, Costa Rica!  Greetings to all our brothers and sisters in Christ from the White house here in San Jose, Costa Rica!  Once again, another month come and gone… this one less exciting than the last.  But I, Justin, will give you what updates there may be J

Remember  those “new beginnings” when, on August 25th we welcomed the anticipated arrival of my parents; Steve and Angel Hoover, well here they are about 2 months in and they are definitely adjusting well.  As Steve has been learning about the Costa Rican or “tican” culture here, he has discovered that this country was made especially for him.  Being a people that favors friendships, food and festivities over schedules and appointments, the “Hoover personality” is flourishing!  Likewise Angel is loving all the time she is getting with her grandchildren and being able to bake and clean and do laundry every day… and we are not complaining either… other than the rapid disposal of flour every month.  My wife and I have definitely appreciated the time that we have had together alone as they care for the kids every now and again.

As for ministry, we are still seeking those open doors through local organizations to get involved in.  I have had a couple of meetings with a few of the directors from a local seminary here in San Jose about possibly getting involved in the work that they are doing.  It is not a paying gig, only volunteer work, but my aim is to glorify the name of the Lord and to get His gospel to the world by whatever means He allows.  Also, there is a camp a little ways out of the city that we may be able to become involved in called “La Montaña” which is open all year around and offers great opportunities of counseling and discipling youth, as well as opening doors for short term mission teams to come down and participate.  There is already a small video that Steve had taken when he and my mother visited a few weeks ago… that video is available on our ministries website http://www.sonministries.webs.com Bobbi Ann and I will be heading out soon to spend the weekend at the camp to see it for ourselves and also to learn about possible long term ministry right there on campus for us.  This is very exciting to me, so be in prayer about that.  With some of my time during the day I have also been given the privilege to help a fellow student and missionary by translating a bible study from English to Spanish.  This not only helps me to keep Spanish fresh, but also allows me to learn more vocabulary.  It is then being revised by a teacher from the institute and then returned to me so that I may see the corrections and learn from them.  Such a blessing to be able to minister and support the family in Christ along the way.

Steve and Bobbi Ann are moving along steadily in the Institute, both bringing home great grades and experiences that shows that they are learning and growing in the Spanish language and culture.  Angel has been walking Kevin to and from school every day and has found herself being able to try and converse with many people along the way.  She is still using http://www.spanishdict.com daily to learn, whereas I am continuing on Rosetta Stone each day to continue my education.  Kevin and Annika both are being blessed with the opportunity to be bilingual from childhood… in just another year I am sure Kevin will have surpassed his mother and I and Annika will just be naturally bilingual, which in itself is awesome!  Keep us all in your prayers that we can become fluid in our communications so that we may accurately communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ and be ready to give a defense for the hope that we have in Him!

Thank you all once again for your continued support and prayers, keep them coming and help us to continue to strive ahead, as trying to receive the prize and to press on towards the upward call in Christ Jesus!  Be in prayer for the recipients of the blessing bags… there are 2 men that have been blessed from our front gate, Oscar and Francis, as well as 12 young ladies from a local orphanage that a friend of ours ministers in.   God bless you all and thank you once again for everything!  Until next month, que Dios los bendiga!


-Justin, Bobbi, Kevin & Annika White

SON Ministries