Monday, October 1, 2012

September 2012 Newsletter

Buenos Días de Costa Rica a su hogar. Greetings from Costa Rica to your home.  This last month has been filled with new beginnings, big opportunities, and the same old rut of learning another language.  The most obvious change to you all, is that I, Justin, will be writing these newsletters.  With Bobbi Ann in the Spanish Language Institute she has been quite busy with her studies, so I am trying to take some of the load from her shoulders.  That being said, let me give you a run down on the busy month of September!
Let’s start with those “new beginnings”.  On August 25th we welcomed the anticipated arrival of my parents; Steve and Angel Hoover.  They have been blessed with the opportunity to come down and live with us for a year while Steve attends the language institute along with Bobbi Ann.  As you may already know, we have moved into a house that has a built in apartment upstairs, which is now the humble home of my parents.  It is a blessing to us to have them so near for many reasons; for encouragement, for accountability, for companionship, and (the greatest of all) for babysitting!  Shortly after their arrival, Steve and Bobbi were thrust right in to the world of Spanish acquisition, officially starting their classes on the 4th of September.  Since that time they have been studying, speaking, stressing and sweating over the many Spanish rules and exams that they have already “encountered”. I can’t say that I do not enjoy watching my family going through the same experiences that I know about all too well J
As for the big opportunities, while Bobbi Ann is in school and my mom (Angel) is watching Annika, I have the freedom during the week to actually do some ministry work.  That being said, I believe it to be important that I not run about town creating a “new work” where there are ministries already in place, so I have been, instead, searching for opportunities within the established works.  I have been given some great opportunities already, one being working (voluntarily) at the institute with the academic director on an up and coming Skype Lab project.  Another being a possibility to minister long term here in Costa Rica by assisting in the training and discipleship of pastors in impoverished areas all around the country.  These pastors will receive free seminary training via tablets with micro sd cards that hold all the information needed.  This training includes everything from “Old Testament Survey” to “Systematic Theology”.  Whereas this is a HUGE opportunity, it would mean that we would have to be financially stable, be able to purchase and maintain a vehicle, and have a strong and lasting support base.  Be in prayer with me about that opportunity and the provision to fulfill it if it be God’s will and way for us here in Costa Rica.  On a personal level, I am seeking information on any and all homeless shelters and/or support groups and other ministries in the area so that I may be able to provide that information to all the students at ILE (the institute).  As gringos we receive a lot of beggars, and the common rule of thumb is to not contribute to them.  Why?  Because these can be addicts or “career homeless” persons, and whereas giving a little may seem like helping, in the long run it is hurting them because it supports that lifestyle.  If I could get the information of places that could actually help those who are truly in need, we could give that information out rather than money, material, or even food.  Those who are truly in need can seek that help from those resources, and the others will simply quit coming to the “gringos” of the area.
Now, about the same old rut of language learning, I am discovering each day that, though I have a diploma that tells me I am bilingual, I still have so much more to learn.  So I am continuing in my studies in my own time with the resources that I have been given.  Steve and Bobbi Ann are coming right along this last month.  They’ve struggled with it, some days more than others, but they are learning so much.  They are completely experiencing that “after language class slump” where you come home after struggling to think in 2 languages and you are just exhausted mentally and physically.  Mom (Angel) is studying on her own using resources like and others, Kevin can speak a tremendous amount (yet still not at home when he can default to English), and Annika is picking up words left and right.  What a blessing to watch as we all grow and learn and adapt for the glory of the Lord.  Keep us in your prayers, especially Steve and Bobbi Ann as they continue to struggle, to strive, and to store this new language.  God bless you all and thank you so much for your prayerful and financial support.  I pray that you will stay behind us for years to come.  Remember, tell your friends and family about the work we’re doing here, even pass this letter along, and help us get the word out about the ministry!  Adios hermanos!

-Justin, Bobbi, Kevin & Annika White
SON Ministries