Sunday, July 1, 2012

Almost moving on...

Hello once again from Costa Rica....

This week was filled with schooling and cleaning and all of the normal activities.  Along with those normal activities came the prospect of opportunity to become more involved.  We already know that the Lord has provided for me (Bobbi Ann) to at least get one semester of Spanish Language School in starting this September and now we will be joined by Justin's parents!  This is not only a wonderful thing because it allows us to have family near, Justin's mom also feels that her contribution while here will be to allow Justin to be out witnessing and ministering while his dad and I attend the langauge school.  While Kevin will still have school during the days, his schedule is always changing on pick up time and Annika is a full time job herself! We are thankful for all the blessings this brings and opportunities that will be available.  I am excited to be able to get good solid Spanish under my belt to be able to teach women/children wherever the Lord allows!

Until next week, please continue to pray for clarity from the Lord and opportunities to share the gospel and minister to believers needing guidence.

God Bless
Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White