Saturday, May 5, 2012

April Newsletter

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings from Costa Rica. The end of April flew past and I have been enjoying Justin being at home on his break from school. However, it has made me forget to send a newsletter for the month! We have been doing pretty fabulous as the Lord has been faithful to provide opportunities this month to be more involved and grow spiritually.

Just before the last days of Justin’s first trimester we had the privilege of having his classmates over for a “pot luck” dinner and fellowship. A few days before that, a friend had asked if she and I could host an event for the missionary women at the school (which is currently in progress to be hosted on the 12th). Also, a few days before school ended, Justin received word that he would be the student counsel vice president. He has been nominated for 4 positions and asked to be removed from the other 3 solely to be sure he would not be taking away too much time from his schooling and family time.

On branching out spiritually, Justin had the opportunity to speak at a secular rock concert in San Pedro (a few towns over) last week and give his testimony. A fellow student at the language school offered him the time on stage to share because their church had secured some stage time to witness at the event. This was a huge blessing and he told me of a moment when he was with the church members giving out tracts and a few young people (who had been engaged in drugs earlier that night) were bad talking and would not receive the tracts or information; however, one lone bi-standard came up to them after and asked if he could please have the information they were offering! It is always a praise to have the privilege of seeing God move! He also has been able to sing at the school chapels still and read/pray at the local Spanish speaking church off and on.

Even though my Spanish is still that of a 2-4 year old, the “empliada study” (Bible study for the maids) will be starting this week at the school and I hope to sit in and listen. Justin still watches the kids for an hour each night which allows me to study.

Kevin told me on the walk to school the other morning that he understand a lot better now and it makes school easier but that he wants to hurry to speak Spanish so that he can start home-schooling in the fall again (he begged us to go to public school when we first moved here; “the grass is always greener on the other side”) . We are speaking only in Spanish in our house on Wednesdays from now on, which Justin is excited for, Kevin wants to prove what he knows and I hope to make it through the day and know more when it is over. Annika understands commands in both languages; however she speaks a little more English than Spanish.

Annika has become quite the little singer! She loves to sing and she likes to bring us books to read to her. Defiance is becoming stronger in her personality each day, but her obedience is also better than I expected. Our favorite thing right now is when we tell her to “go tell everyone night-night”…she will give each of us a kiss then crawl into her bed and wait for her cup .

We continue to ask that you all join us in prayer for clarity each day on how the Lord will use us now and when and where we’ll be next. Our commitments end next spring and we know the Lord’s provision will supply all of our needs and as much as we strongly desire to be in the states and share embracing with each of our family in Christ there, we also want to be in His will and serve Him faithfully and fully where He has us. Please pray for His provision and thank you to all who support the work He uses us for, whether through financial support and/or prayer and encouragement.

“Oh, praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead…Jesus paid it ALL and ALL to Him I owe…”

God Bless,

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White 