Monday, March 21, 2011


Hello Everyone,

Well I am in the states, yet I have not gotten on the internet for a couple of weeks. I apologize for not being on here or Facebook to update our happenings.

The first week of this month we sent out a mission team of 7 to assist in a youth conference in Haiti. We sent some of our belongings ahead with them. We will be leaving on April 6th and returning at the very end of June.

Aside from homeschooling and taking care of Annika, I have been focusing on daily chores and getting rid of broken toys and outgrown cloths.

Justin has been helping with some building projects and attended a three day preaching event.

We have also been attending all events involved in our Church, which is something almost every night! Praise the Lord!

God Bless You All,
The White Family - looking forward to being back soon