Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hello Everyone!

Last Tuesday we sent off the information to get Annika's passport after finally recieving her social security card and 2 birth certificates (not sure how we ended up with two, but praise the Lord that they arrived!). We also went ahead and sent out for Justin's passport update! His passport expires in September and we will only be home for two months this summer and decided to go ahead and get his done now as well.

Annika recieved her two month shots as well Tuesday morning and has had a fever off and on each day since. God is big and in control and we would like to ask for her to be lifted up in prayer that she might have a quick recovery!

Kevin is doing well in school and has been doing much better at following written directions carefully - he struggles with verbal direction (his sin nature chooses disobedience each time) So we praise the Lord that he has come quite far with following written directions for now and hope to move to one on one projects eventually!

Justin has preached 3 times in the last week. He had the privilege of preaching in Eureka Springs on the church of Acts as well as preaching the same sermon in Cassville, MO and finally preaching at the Piney Point Revival on the glory of God.

I have been busy chasing kids around, teaching, preparing to send items ahead of time with a March mission team to Haiti and trying to finally work my way out of maternity pants and back into some of my pre pregnancy jeans (some sucess on the larger pairs ...hahaha).

God is still on His thrown and does as He please and we praise Him each day for another day to serve Him! We love you all! Bondye Beni Nou!

Justin, Bobbi Ann, Kevin and Annika White

Friday, February 18, 2011


Great Reports this week! I finally feel like we are on our way to getting back into Haiti!

We recieved Annika's birth certificate and we have her social security number so that we can get her passport. The soonest they could get us in for her passport was next Tuesday. Praise the Lord! Also we will ony be back for July and August this summer since it has taken so long to return to Haiti; therefore we are going to get Justin's passport renewed because it will expire in September.

If anyone would like us to update their church family or knows someone that would like to view our presentation and learn more about the Lord's work in Haiti please let us know a.s.a.p and we can get it scheduled for when we return!

God Bless~ Bonye Beni Nou
Justin and Bobbi Ann White (as well as Kevin and Annika)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



well along with several of you all, we were snowed in for the most part of last week! It is amazing how much you can get done though and then still realize there is a lot more to do! I praise the Lord that i was able to get a lot of the ministry paper work organized and more. I have not sent out payment reminders this month yet because i am in the process of getting them more organized.

We have a new contact for SON Ministries. Vanessa Ketring will be taking calls and scheduling presentation/update visits for us while we are overseas. Her and her husband will also be available to give presentations about our work in Haiti while we are there.

A prayer request at the moment is to recieve Annika's social security card and birth certificate. I will be calling on those to check their status as soon as i am finished typing this blog update. Please be in prayer that we will recieve those a.s.a.p and be able to get her passport quickly.

There is a team leaving for Haiti in March for a week long youth revival in the Church lead by Pastor Kennan Molme (Haitian). As always, our focus needs to be in prayer that souls will be won to the kingdom during this trip! Please continue to pray for souls that have been and are being won daily in Haiti; remember that if a child comes home from a voodoo family and proclaim Christ Jesus they will be kicked out of their home with nowhere to go. Praise the Lord though who has a perfect plan!!

Justin and i were able to get away on a small date a few hours away this week. We are very blessed to have this time. When we are in Haiti it isn't possible for us to take this kind of time together. We don't mind that we don't get this time in Haiti because there is no great joy than being in God's will together, but we do enjoy this time when we can get it!

God bless you all and we will update everyone again soon.
The White Family