Saturday, March 27, 2010

Well, it has been three weeks and we are still busy, busy, busy. We were able to visit our family and friends in Branson and St. Louis and were encouraged. Not only did we begin sharing our presentation, we also had many opportunities to share the gospel. Justin never missed an opportunity to witness and watching him blessed my heart. I was even able to share my testimony during one of our visits. A few commitments were made and above all I would have to say that we gained the assurance of being right in the center of God's will. Once we returned we were blessed to be able to speak with the pastor of First Baptist Bentonville, who ended our conversation with prayer in the Haiti ministry (prayers are powerful and we are always so greatful for the prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ)! Kevin's passport also arrived this week! Phone calls are still needing to be made and hopefully will always continue as long as the Lord allows, supplies are almost completed, vaccines are still needed and much more. Paul mentions in God's word that he is being 'poured out as a drink offering' and I must say that it is a praise that even when I don't know how we will squeeze everything in or what is going to happen, the Lord already has it planned and we are to surrender to His will!

We will be visiting our brothers and sisters in Texas at the end of April and would love to hear from anyone else who is interested in supporting the Lord's ministry in Haiti!

God Bless!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Hello All,

The Lord has been opening doors already to prepare us for the mission field in Haiti. We are currently in the preparation stages. Upcoming weeks will be filled with phone calls to as many people as we know to try to raise money through $35 commitments each month for 3 years. We are also networking to find others interested in making such a commitment to support full time missions; so if you know people who may be interested please pass along our information and this page if possible. Also, you can call or email the information to us and we will get in contact with them. Preparation also consists of collecting supplies, which we have almost contained the full contents of, and getting all of our medical shots in order. At anytime we would love to answer questions and talk to anyone about where the Lord has us. Excluding previous trips to Haiti, our first endevor as full time missionaries will begin with a trip we are taking from May - August 2010 to focus solely on learning the language and of course evangalising. We will keep you posted!

Justin, Bobbi Ann & Kevin